Odd asteroid seems to be a broken piece of the Moon

A curious space rock has just gotten curiouser. The asteroid Kamo`oalewa has an odd orbit that makes it almost a mini-moon of Earth – and now it may really earn that title, as new observations show that it could in fact be a fragment of the Moon.Contin… Continue reading Odd asteroid seems to be a broken piece of the Moon

NASA’s pioneering Lucy probe takes off to study Trojan asteroids

A first-of-a-kind NASA launch took place over the weekend, setting the agency’s Lucy spacecraft on a pioneering path to study an unprecedented number of asteroids as part of a single mission. Among them are the Trojan asteroids that both trail and lead… Continue reading NASA’s pioneering Lucy probe takes off to study Trojan asteroids

Dinosaur-killing rock traced to population of “dark primitive asteroids”

About 66 million years ago, a gigantic object crashed into the Earth, triggering a mass extinction that took out the dinosaurs. Now, scientists from Southwest Research Institute say they’ve traced the culprit back to its point of origin, identifying it… Continue reading Dinosaur-killing rock traced to population of “dark primitive asteroids”

Fossilized “megaripples” record huge tsunami from ancient asteroid impact

Around 66 million years ago, a gigantic asteroid smashed into the Earth and brought the 160-million-year reign of the dinosaurs to an end. Now, researchers have discovered direct evidence of this world-changing cataclysm in the form of fossilized “mega… Continue reading Fossilized “megaripples” record huge tsunami from ancient asteroid impact

Fossilized “megaripples” record huge tsunami from ancient asteroid impact

Around 66 million years ago, a gigantic asteroid smashed into the Earth and brought the 160-million-year reign of the dinosaurs to an end. Now, researchers have discovered direct evidence of this world-changing cataclysm in the form of fossilized “mega… Continue reading Fossilized “megaripples” record huge tsunami from ancient asteroid impact

Tardigrades fired from a gun to test theory asteroids seed life

Tardigrades are some of the toughest lifeforms ever discovered, and it’s been proposed that they (or similar organisms) could seed life through the cosmos by hitching rides on asteroids. Now, researchers at the University of Kent have tested the hypoth… Continue reading Tardigrades fired from a gun to test theory asteroids seed life

OSIRIS-REx headed back to Earth with “abundance” of asteroid samples

NASA’s Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security, Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) robotic deep-space probe is returning from the near-Earth asteroid Bennu. On May 10, 2021 at 4:23 pm EDT, the spacecraft began its 2.5-year journ… Continue reading OSIRIS-REx headed back to Earth with “abundance” of asteroid samples