JAXA releases footage of Hayabusa 2 spacecraft's second asteroid touchdown

Hayabusa 2 moments after touching down on the surface of the asteroid

The Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has released a video showing the climactic moments of the Hayabusa 2 spacecraft’s second descent to the surface of asteroid Ryugu. The goal of the risky operation was to capture newly exposed material from the asteroid’s interior, which had been forcefully ejected during the creation of an artificial crater on Ryugu’s surface in early April.

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Asteroid that had a chance to hit Earth in September is a no-show

A few months ago, the asteroid 2006 QV89 grabbed headlines thanks to it having a slim chance of striking Earth this September. But now it seems that the potentially-hazardous space rock has missed its appointment. ESA has confirmed that the a… Continue reading Asteroid that had a chance to hit Earth in September is a no-show

Hayabusa 2 spacecraft survives second touchdown on asteroid Ryugu

The Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa 2 has successfully pulled off a second touchdown on the surface of the distant asteroid Ryugu. The risky maneuver saw the probe dive down to collect material that had been exposed during the creation of an art… Continue reading Hayabusa 2 spacecraft survives second touchdown on asteroid Ryugu

Harvard study suggests asteroids are likely seeding life throughout the galaxy

The Earth is the only place we know for sure harbors life, but given how big the observable universe is, the odds that we’re completely alone are astronomical. It’s been suggested in the past that life could hitch a ride on asteroids or comet… Continue reading Harvard study suggests asteroids are likely seeding life throughout the galaxy

Randomly dimming star can't be explained by usual theories

An artist's impression of a swarm of comets dimming "Tabby's Star" – an explanation that has ...

A few years ago, astronomers noticed a star that was dimming in a strange pattern, leading to speculation that an “alien megastructure” might be orbiting it. More plausible explanations were later put forward, with the most likely culprit being a cluster of comets. But now scientists have discovered an even weirder star system that appears to be dimming completely at random, and none of the usual explanations seem to fit.

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Explosion over the Caribbean highlights NASA's asteroid tracking credentials

Flash of an asteroid hitting the Earth's atmosphere over the Caribbean Sea on June 22, 2019 ...

In a neat bit of fast-paced detective work, NASA recently backtracked from an image of a meteor that exploded over the Caribbean Sea and was able to confirm that it marked the demise of an asteroid that had only been detected 12 hours earlier. Estimated to be only 16 ft (5 m) in size, it was too small to pose any danger, but it did demonstrate the space agency’s growing ability to monitor potentially hazardous asteroids.

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NASA probe enters the tightest orbit ever around a planetary object

NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission to the asteroid Bennu has already brought about a series of landmark moments for space exploration, not least of which is the fact that the rock currently stands as the smallest object ever orbited by a spacecraft. N… Continue reading NASA probe enters the tightest orbit ever around a planetary object

Huge metallic anomaly detected buried beneath the Moon's largest crater

The huge South Pole-Aitken basin on the Moon can be seen in this topographical map, as ...

Although it looks like a boring, barren place, the Moon is home to some pretty amazing landmarks. The South Pole-Aitken basin, for example, is the largest impact crater in the solar system, measuring about 2,500 km (1,550 mi) across at its widest point. And now scientists have detected something strange buried under the crater.

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Close encounter with alien star could explain ’Oumuamua, debunk Planet Nine

Our solar system has several “belts” of rocky planetesimals that are essentially the crumbs left over from the formation of the planets and moons. But new research suggests some of them could actually be alien, captured during close flybys wi… Continue reading Close encounter with alien star could explain ’Oumuamua, debunk Planet Nine