New observations of Ryugu reveal the ancient asteroid’s colorful past

Japan’s Hayabusa 2 spacecraft is scheduled to arrive back on Earth later this year following a sample collection at asteroid Ryugu, but the mission is offering fascinating insights well ahead of its big return. Data collected by the probe during its hi… Continue reading New observations of Ryugu reveal the ancient asteroid’s colorful past

Solar slingshot could help spacecraft intercept interstellar objects

An MIT research proposal outlines a new method for rendezvousing with interstellar objects (ISOs) like ‘Oumuamua using a solar slingshot technique. By using solar sails to position deep-space probes on the edge of the solar system, the idea is to use t… Continue reading Solar slingshot could help spacecraft intercept interstellar objects

Population of asteroids beyond Jupiter may be from another star system

In the last few years, astronomers have begun to realize that our solar system may be visited by interstellar objects more often than we thought. And now, researchers at CNRS in France and UNESP in Brazil have traced back the odd orbits of objects call… Continue reading Population of asteroids beyond Jupiter may be from another star system

OSIRIS-REx probe rehearses asteroid sampling from lowest altitude yet

NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft has been circling the primitive asteroid Bennu for more than a year now, with mission control gearing up for its sample collection maneuver later this year. The unmanned probe has ticked off another key milestone on this ep… Continue reading OSIRIS-REx probe rehearses asteroid sampling from lowest altitude yet

‘Oumuamua may be a piece of a planet torn to shreds by a star

‘Oumuamua, the first interstellar interloper detected passing through our solar system, raised many questions when it was discovered. According to a new model, the object’s unusual shape and trajectory may be the result of a devastating close encounter… Continue reading ‘Oumuamua may be a piece of a planet torn to shreds by a star

NASA pulls out incredibly high-res global map of asteroid Bennu

With OSIRIS-REx in close orbit around Bennu, we’ve already seen some pretty amazing up-close shots of the asteroid. And now, NASA has released a full global map of this rocky little world in unprecedented resolution.Continue ReadingCategory: Space, Sci… Continue reading NASA pulls out incredibly high-res global map of asteroid Bennu

New images reveal “golf ball asteroid” has seen its share of hits

Astronomers have taken the clearest-ever shots of asteroid Pallas, a large rock orbiting out beyond Mars. The new images revealed the surface of this tiny world to be heavily dotted with craters, to the point where it’s been dubbed the “golf ball aster… Continue reading New images reveal “golf ball asteroid” has seen its share of hits

Long-missing, potentially dangerous asteroid finally rediscovered – and it won't hit Earth

An artist's rendition of an asteroid swinging past Earth

Of all the things you don’t want to lose, an asteroid with a chance of striking Earth is pretty high up the list. A space rock called 2006 QV89 has been missing in action for 13 years, after it was discovered to be on an orbit that regularly brought it too close to Earth for comfort. Now astronomers have finally found it again, and ruled out an impact within the next century.

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Category: Space


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