Using LLMs to Exploit Vulnerabilities

Interesting research: “Teams of LLM Agents can Exploit Zero-Day Vulnerabilities.”

Abstract: LLM agents have become increasingly sophisticated, especially in the realm of cybersecurity. Researchers have shown that LLM agents can exploit real-world vulnerabilities when given a description of the vulnerability and toy capture-the-flag problems. However, these agents still perform poorly on real-world vulnerabilities that are unknown to the agent ahead of time (zero-day vulnerabilities).

In this work, we show that teams of LLM agents can exploit real-world, zero-day vulnerabilities. Prior agents struggle with exploring many different vulnerabilities and long-range planning when used alone. To resolve this, we introduce HPTSA, a system of agents with a planning agent that can launch subagents. The planning agent explores the system and determines which subagents to call, resolving long-term planning issues when trying different vulnerabilities. We construct a benchmark of 15 real-world vulnerabilities and show that our team of agents improve over prior work by up to 4.5×…

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The rise of SaaS security teams

In this Help Net Security interview, Hillary Baron, Senior Technical Director for Research at CSA, highlights that the recent surge in organizations establishing dedicated SaaS security teams is driven by significant data breaches involving widely used… Continue reading The rise of SaaS security teams

OpenAI Appoints Former NSA Director Paul Nakasone to Board of Directors

Retired U.S. Army General Paul M. Nakasone brings cybersecurity experience to OpenAI’s Board of Directors and Safety and Security Committee.
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Generative AI security requires a solid framework

How many companies intentionally refuse to use AI to get their work done faster and more efficiently? Probably none: the advantages of AI are too great to deny. The benefits AI models offer to organizations are undeniable, especially for optimizing critical operations and outputs. However, generative AI also comes with risk. According to the IBM […]

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