The AI Fix #9: When AI detectors fail (spectacularly), and OpenAI’s five steps to Skynet

In episode nine of “The AI Fix”, our hosts learn about the world’s most dangerous vending machine, a cartoonist who hypnotises himself with AI, and OpenAI’s plans to eat Google’s lunch.

Graham tells Mark about a pig-farming professor, and Mark tests… Continue reading The AI Fix #9: When AI detectors fail (spectacularly), and OpenAI’s five steps to Skynet

‘Active pillow’ silently adjusts your head to stop snoring

This extraordinary active pillow is designed to detect snoring and actually do something about it – repositioning your head until you breathe easier, without waking you up. Yes, we’ve officially entered the age of the AI pillow.Continue ReadingCategory… Continue reading ‘Active pillow’ silently adjusts your head to stop snoring

Elon Musk’s superhuman vision system looks terrible in simulations

Elon Musk’s ambitious eye implants that “ultimately may exceed normal human vision” are unlikely to reach this lofty benchmark, according to scientists who have used ‘virtual patients’ to expose the limitations of this innovative technology. Because ev… Continue reading Elon Musk’s superhuman vision system looks terrible in simulations

New Research in Detecting AI-Generated Videos

The latest in what will be a continuing arms race between creating and detecting videos:

The new tool the research project is unleashing on deepfakes, called “MISLnet”, evolved from years of data derived from detecting fake images and video with tools that spot changes made to digital video or images. These may include the addition or movement of pixels between frames, manipulation of the speed of the clip, or the removal of frames.

Such tools work because a digital camera’s algorithmic processing creates relationships between pixel color values. Those relationships between values are very different in user-generated or images edited with apps like Photoshop…

Continue reading New Research in Detecting AI-Generated Videos

16% of organizations experience disruptions due to insufficient AI maturity

While sysadmins recognize AI’s potential, significant gaps in education, cautious organizational adoption, and insufficient AI maturity hinder widespread implementation, leading to mixed results and disruptions in 16% of organizations, according … Continue reading 16% of organizations experience disruptions due to insufficient AI maturity

AI-generated deepfake attacks force companies to reassess cybersecurity

As AI-generated deepfake attacks and identity fraud become more prevalent, companies are developing response plans to address these threats, according to GetApp. In fact, 73% of US respondents report that their organization has developed a deepfake res… Continue reading AI-generated deepfake attacks force companies to reassess cybersecurity