OpenAI and Anthropic Sign Deals With U.S. AI Safety Institute, Handing Over Frontier Models For Testing

OpenAI and Anthropic will give the U.S. government early access to their frontier models for safety evaluation. Continue reading OpenAI and Anthropic Sign Deals With U.S. AI Safety Institute, Handing Over Frontier Models For Testing

California Advances Landmark Legislation to Regulate Large AI Models

Efforts in California to establish first-in-the-nation safety measures for the largest artificial intelligence systems cleared an important vote.
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How to embrace Secure by Design principles while adopting AI

The rapid rise of generative artificial intelligence (gen AI) technologies has ushered in a transformative era for industries worldwide. Over the past 18 months, enterprises have increasingly integrated gen AI into their operations, leveraging its potential to innovate and streamline processes. From automating customer service to enhancing product development, the applications of gen AI are […]

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Voice linked to blood sugar: the potential for voice-based diabetes monitoring

When blood sugar levels go high, so does voice pitch, according to a new study. It paves the way for detecting type 2 diabetes or monitoring diabetics’ blood sugars simply by talking into a smartphone and having AI analyze their speech.Continue Reading… Continue reading Voice linked to blood sugar: the potential for voice-based diabetes monitoring

The AI Fix #13: ChatGPT runs for mayor, and should we stop killer robots?

In episode 13 of “The AI Fix””, meat avatar Cluley learns that AI doesn’t pose an existential threat to humanity and tells meat avatar Stockley how cybersex is about to get very, very weird. Our hosts also learn that men lie on their dating profiles, h… Continue reading The AI Fix #13: ChatGPT runs for mayor, and should we stop killer robots?

Cost of data breaches: The business case for security AI and automation

As Yogi Berra said, “It’s déjà vu all over again.” If the idea of the global average costs of data breaches rising year over year feels like more of the same, that’s because it is. Data protection solutions get better, but so do threat actors. The other broken record is the underuse or misuse of […]

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