Forensic Firm that Unlocked Terrorist’s iPhone 5C is Close to Crack iPhone 6

The FBI didn’t disclose the identity of the third-party company that helped them access the San Bernardino iPhone, but it has been widely believed that the Israeli mobile forensic firm Cellebrite was hired by the FBI to put an end to the Apple vs. FBI … Continue reading Forensic Firm that Unlocked Terrorist’s iPhone 5C is Close to Crack iPhone 6

Apple is working on New iPhone Even It Can’t Hack

Amid an ongoing dispute with the United States government over a court order to unlock iPhone 5C of one of the San Bernardino shooters Syed Farook…

…Apple started working on implementing stronger security measures “even it can’t hack” to achieve un-hackability in its future iPhones.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is deliberately forcing Apple to create a special, backdoored

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