Is it inherently insecure to fetch HTML and JS content from server and attach it to an existing HTML node (while executing all scripts)?

Two ways to develop a web app: Either the “classical” way, completely reloading the page with each request, or the “API” way, that is make the server only send JSON data and make the client fetch it by AJAX and rebuild the pa… Continue reading Is it inherently insecure to fetch HTML and JS content from server and attach it to an existing HTML node (while executing all scripts)?

ESP32 Weather Station on a PCB

We see lots of ESP8266 projects, but considerably fewer for the ESP32. So this good-looking weather station on a PCB using an ESP32 caught our eye. The board has a few sockets for common weather gear, but with a little modification, it would be a great carrier for an ESP32. Since the PCB layout is available, you could change things around to suit you. You can see a video from [Rui Santos] about his project and its progress from breadboard to PCB in the video below.

Assuming you build the board with no changes you have room for:

  • 2 SMD

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Continue reading ESP32 Weather Station on a PCB