Managed Identity Bridge

There are a lot of organizations that leverage Microsoft Active Directory® (AD) as their identity provider. This solution has been in use for over two decades now, and has for…
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Extend Active Directory Identities to the Cloud

Microsoft® Active Directory® (AD) has been the default on-prem identity management platform in IT organizations for many years. Yet, with the rise of cloud technology, many IT admins have been…
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Extend Active Directory Identities to the Cloud

Microsoft® Active Directory® (AD) has been the default on-prem identity management platform in IT organizations for many years. Yet, with the rise of cloud technology, many IT admins have been…
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Hosted Identity Bridge

As the IT landscape becomes more complex, a new wave of management tools has emerged. One such tool is an identity bridge, which helps extend existing user identities to resources…
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Outsourced User Management

Managing users and their access to IT resources can be a time consuming task. Today’s modern IT networks leverage a variety of platforms, providers, and locations. Connecting them all together…
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Outsourced Identity Bridge

In the last year, hybrid cloud adoption grew from 19% to 57%, and this trend is likely to continue with 80% of IT budgets expected to be committed to cloud…
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OpenLDAP™ as a Service

OpenLDAP is a free implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). As an open source solution, OpenLDAP has provided technical personnel with the ability to integrate and customize the…
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OpenLDAP™ as a Service

OpenLDAP is a free implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). As an open source solution, OpenLDAP has provided technical personnel with the ability to integrate and customize the…
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Identity Provider as a Service

The “as-a-service” model has transformed the IT market with its ease in scalability and lower upfront costs. While the Infrastructure-as-a-Service and Software-as-a-Service markets have grown in development and maturity, IT…
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SaaS True Single Sign-On (SSO)

The concept of True Single Sign-On™ is a powerful one. The premise is that it can enable end users to connect to virtually any IT resource throughout their core identity….
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