Break out of malware myopia by focusing on the fundamentals

Organizations today suffer from malware myopia, a condition characterized by threat-centric security programs caused by the ease of imagining a takedown by malicious code. Malware myopia is a mental bug; a defect in reasoning that scrambles people’s ju… Continue reading Break out of malware myopia by focusing on the fundamentals

Review: The Absolute Platform with Persistence Technology

Absolute is a long-time player in the endpoint security arena, specializing in endpoint visibility and control. Regarded as an industry leader in IT asset management for more than two decades, Absolute recently revamped its solution to leverage its pat… Continue reading Review: The Absolute Platform with Persistence Technology

Solving the dark endpoint problem with increased visibility and control

In this podcast recorded at RSA Conference 2018, Richard Henderson, Global Security Strategist at Absolute Software, and Todd Wakerley, EVP of Product Development at Absolute Software, talk about endpoint visibility and control, RSAC happenings, and wh… Continue reading Solving the dark endpoint problem with increased visibility and control

Tackling the insider threat: Where to start?

Many organizations still believe the definition of an insider threat is limited to a rogue employee purposefully leaking embarrassing information, or nuking a couple of systems when he or she quits and walks out the door with internal or customer data … Continue reading Tackling the insider threat: Where to start?

Most network endpoints are in the dark: Do you know how to find them?

Traditional manual endpoint security approaches are ineffective and resource-intensive, leading to neglect of basic maintenance such as patches and updates, according to Ponemon Institute research into the practices of more than 550 enterprise security and IT professionals. Respondents pointed to automation as the answer to saving more than $3.4 million per year, strengthening their endpoint security posture and improving mean time to remediate incidents. Endpoint security automation was found to be the key to maintaining … More Continue reading Most network endpoints are in the dark: Do you know how to find them?

Poor endpoint security can cost you millions in detection, response, and wasted time

A new study reveals organizations are wasting an average of $6 million on the time to detect and contain insecure endpoints, among other staggering findings that show endpoint threats are a growing concern, companies are not efficiently protecting their proprietary data, and the cost and complexity of reducing endpoint risks are at an all-time high. Confidence in endpoint security The study also revealed organizations are finding it increasingly difficult to identify dark endpoints — the … More Continue reading Poor endpoint security can cost you millions in detection, response, and wasted time

Enable self-healing endpoint security with Application Persistence

In this podcast recorded at RSA Conference 2017, Richard Henderson, Global Security Strategist at Absolute Software, and Todd Wakerley, SVP of Product Development at Absolute Software, talk about Application Persistence. Here’s a transcript of the podcast for your convenience. Richard Henderson: Hi! I’m Richard Henderson, Global Security Strategist at Absolute Software. Todd Wakerley: And I’m Todd Wakerley. I’m the SVP of Product Development at Absolute Software. And today we’re here to talk about Absolute Persistence … More Continue reading Enable self-healing endpoint security with Application Persistence