Space firsts: Metal 3D printer & surgical robot on their way to the ISS

Among the more than 8,000 lb (3,600 kg) of cargo that blasted off from Cape Canaveral on the 30th of January, bound for the International Space Station, were two firsts: the world’s first metal 3D printer designed especially for use in orbit and the fi… Continue reading Space firsts: Metal 3D printer & surgical robot on their way to the ISS

3D-printed reinforcement-free bridge moves closer to widespread use

Humans have been building walls, bridges, and other structures without any steel or mortar reinforcement for a long time. A team led by Holcim has put a 3D-printed spin on the idea, and hopes to use it to revolutionize modern sustainable infrastructure… Continue reading 3D-printed reinforcement-free bridge moves closer to widespread use

3D printing refreshes boutique store with intricate fabric-like facade

As 3D-printed architecture continues to grow in popularity, architects and designers are finding more and more creative uses for the cutting-edge tech. A new project by Studio RAP is the latest example of this and uses a 3D printing system to transform… Continue reading 3D printing refreshes boutique store with intricate fabric-like facade