From Dreams to Reality: The Magic of 3D Printing, with Elle Hunt

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I was in my mid-30s before I felt comfortable standing up in front of an audience and talking about technology. Come to think of it, “comfortable” isn’t really the right word, as, frankly, it was nerve-racking. This, with my obvious bias as her father, makes it

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World’s first 3D-printed titanium road bike set to enter production

We’ve seen 3D-printed titanium handlebars, stems and frame components, but the Reactor Aero takes the concept a whole lot further. Made by the No. 22 Bicycle Company in upstate New York, it’s being billed as the world’s first 3D-printed titanium road b… Continue reading World’s first 3D-printed titanium road bike set to enter production

First-ever 3D metal printing in space achieved on ISS

In an experiment that sounds about as safe as bobbing for fries, ESA carried out the first-ever 3D metal printing in space aboard the International Space Station (ISS). Built with Airbus, the Metal 3D Printer completed the first of four test shapes.Con… Continue reading First-ever 3D metal printing in space achieved on ISS

No glue required: Wood and metal bonded with sound and 3D printing

Manufacturing could be dramatically changed thanks to two new techniques for joining materials created by scientists in Austria. The two methods create super strong bonds at the pore level, eliminating the need for caustic adhesives.Continue ReadingCat… Continue reading No glue required: Wood and metal bonded with sound and 3D printing

Wasp-inspired setup 3D-prints complete homes for $1,000

The Crane WASP, also known as “the infinity 3D printer,” uses locally sourced clay, mud or cement to 3D-print affordable homes. It can even use agricultural waste as aggregate. The system is now being used to build much-needed housing in Colombia.Conti… Continue reading Wasp-inspired setup 3D-prints complete homes for $1,000