Hackaday Prize 2022: House Ventilation Reverse-Engineered And Automated

the dongle developed by Marcel, with a USB-A plug on one end and an SMD antenna on the other

[Marcel] thought – what if he had more control over his house ventilation system? You could add some nifty features, such as automatically ventilating your house in the mornings when …read more Continue reading Hackaday Prize 2022: House Ventilation Reverse-Engineered And Automated

Hackaday Prize 2022: Glue-Hindered Smart Tweezer Repair Involves a Rebuild

Resulting tweezer assembly, with a 3D printed replacement case for both of the probes

[Dan Julio] owns a pair of Miniware multimeter tweezers, a nifty helper tool for all things SMD exploration. One day, he found them broken – unable to recognize any component …read more Continue reading Hackaday Prize 2022: Glue-Hindered Smart Tweezer Repair Involves a Rebuild

Hackaday Prize 2022: Salvaged Pumps and Hoses Make a Neat Vacuum Pickup Tool

A home-made vacuum pickup tool

Anyone who’s ever assembled a PCB full of tiny SMD parts will have found that tweezers are not always the best tool when it comes to accurate positioning. Thin, flat …read more Continue reading Hackaday Prize 2022: Salvaged Pumps and Hoses Make a Neat Vacuum Pickup Tool