Attribution, and when you should care: Part 1

Attribution is the practice of taking forensic artifacts of a cyber attack and matching them to known threats against targets with a profile matching your organization. If this seems overly complicated, that is intentional. There are degrees of attribu… Continue reading Attribution, and when you should care: Part 1

Scamming as a service – seriously

Over the years we’ve done analysis on tech support scammers to include their tactics, infrastructure, front companies, payment mechanisms, and even how they hire. But one question that comes up frequently from security researchers is how a group of criminals, who are by most accounts computer illiterate, set up tech support scams that require a hard minimum of technical expertise, troubleshooting, and maintenance?



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Threat Modeling – What are you so afraid of?

There are many, many threat models available on the internet with extensive documentation on how to apply them to your organization. Most are designed to map out data flow, identify soft points in organizational processes, and assign mitigations based … Continue reading Threat Modeling – What are you so afraid of?