Chinese Space Company’s Static Rocket Test Ends In Premature Launch, Huge Explosion

Commercial space efforts continue around the world, as the Chinese company Space Pioneer fired up a partially-fueled rocket engine Sunday for a short-duration test of its reusable rocket on the ground. But Space News reports that the test “ended in cat… Continue reading Chinese Space Company’s Static Rocket Test Ends In Premature Launch, Huge Explosion

Microsoft Highlights New and Coming Copilot for Microsoft 365 Features

In its latest monthly roundup of new Copilot for Microsoft 365, Microsoft also highlights some features coming next month.
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Microsoft Surface Laptop 7 First Impressions

Two weeks ago, Microsoft delivered the Surface Laptop 7 I had preordered to my place in Pennsylvania. Yesterday, I finally opened the box.
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Pentesters: Is it common for bruteforce/ dictionary attacks, e.g. for SSH username enumeration, to be successful in the real-world pentests? [closed]

I am learning and practicing on vulnerable-by-design machines (vulnhub, metasploitable etc.). I found that this machine is running OpenSSH 7.5, and I tried a few exploits of Username enumeration from ExploitDB, which all ask for a wordlist… Continue reading Pentesters: Is it common for bruteforce/ dictionary attacks, e.g. for SSH username enumeration, to be successful in the real-world pentests? [closed]

How do we secure our network traffic from packet sniffing tools [beyond TLS/SSL] [duplicate]

From following link: Decrypting TLS with Netsh/WireShark
I found its pretty easy to segregate the keys file from tcp requests and later decrypt with WireShark.
Are there any reliable/bullet-proof methods that can prevent such decryption of… Continue reading How do we secure our network traffic from packet sniffing tools [beyond TLS/SSL] [duplicate]