Encryption to Double Extortion: Ransomware’s Rapid Evolution

Threat actors are leveraging stolen data to enhance ransomware attacks.
Data leaks and ransomware – once considered two distinct threats – are overlapping into a hybrid tactic known as double extortion. While traditional ransomware attacks den… Continue reading Encryption to Double Extortion: Ransomware’s Rapid Evolution

Royal Ripper: Multi-Stage Phishing Attack Adapts to Victim Input

PhishLabs is monitoring a multi-stage phishing campaign that impersonates government entities and telecoms to target financial institutions and their customers. The threat actor behind the attacks has been designated Royal Ripper. The initial s… Continue reading Royal Ripper: Multi-Stage Phishing Attack Adapts to Victim Input

Why You Should Take Social Media Account Takeover as Seriously as a BEC Attack

Social media account compromise is nothing new. If you haven’t had an account hacked in the past, most of us know someone who has. According to a study by the University of Phoenix, almost two-thirds of US adults have had at least one social… Continue reading Why You Should Take Social Media Account Takeover as Seriously as a BEC Attack