Cold brew coffee in under 3 minutes? Ultrasound makes it possible

Downing a freshly brewed cup of coffee in the morning can be vital for facing the day ahead, but what if you had to wait up to a day to get your caffeine hit? That’s on the menu if you like your Joe brewed cold, but researchers have now managed to cold… Continue reading Cold brew coffee in under 3 minutes? Ultrasound makes it possible

Sub-$12k electric micro-car will roll on US roads later this year

LA-based Eli Electric Vehicles is launching its flagship Zero electric micro-car in the US market later this year, hoping to build on sales success in Europe and beyond. The teeny two-person city dweller starts at just $11,990.Continue ReadingCategory:… Continue reading Sub-$12k electric micro-car will roll on US roads later this year

Sub-$12k electric micro-car will roll on US roads later this year

LA-based Eli Electric Vehicles is launching its flagship Zero electric micro-car in the US market later this year, hoping to build on sales success in Europe and beyond. The teeny two-person city dweller starts at just $11,990.Continue ReadingCategory:… Continue reading Sub-$12k electric micro-car will roll on US roads later this year

The world’s lightest folding ebike? Not quite, but it’s much cheaper

ADO has launched an Indiegogo campaign for what’s billed as the lightest carbon folding ebike – at 12.5 kg. That’s not the lightest with the Hummingbird Flax ($6250) and Electric ($5,625) both weighing 10.3 kg and the $7995 Yikebike Model C weighing in… Continue reading The world’s lightest folding ebike? Not quite, but it’s much cheaper

China’s home-grown general-purpose humanoid jogs out at 6 km/h

The Tiangong robot is billed as the

The Beijing Humanoid Robot Innovation Center has unveiled Tiangong, an electrically-driven general-purpose humanoid that’s capable of stable running at 6 km/h, while also able to tackle slopes and stairs in “blind conditions.”

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OpenAI’s Sora makes its first official music video

Though OpenAI is yet to make the Sora text-to-video model available to the public, its ability to produce realistic, high-resolution video clips already has movie makers worried for job security. Now the tool has moved into the world of pop music video… Continue reading OpenAI’s Sora makes its first official music video

Fat-tire folding ebike gives budget adventurers the power to explore

Budget-friendly e-mobility company Engwe has rolled out a fat-tire folding adventure ebike with full suspension that can be hauled to the foot of the hills in the SUV’s trunk, before unfolding and tapping into the Engine Pro 2.0’s 1,200 watts of peak m… Continue reading Fat-tire folding ebike gives budget adventurers the power to explore