Researchers Detect Second Wave of Shellshock Attacks Since Two-Year Anniversary

Researchers detected an increase in Shellshock attacks — the second wave of activity since the malware celebrated its two-year anniversary in September.

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Shellshock Anniversary: Major Security Flaw Still Going Strong

As if to celebrate its two-year anniversary, Shellshock, one of the most infamous bugs of 2014, ramped up its activity in September.

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VBA Macro Malware Jumping on the Ransomware Bandwagon

IBM observed a spike in malware activity that uses Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macros to deliver malicious attachments.

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VBA Macro Malware Jumping on the Ransomware Bandwagon

IBM observed a spike in malware activity that uses Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macros to deliver malicious attachments.

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Insurance, Assurance and Blockchain: Practical Steps for Market Growth

Blockchain enables insurance companies to streamline internal processes, enhance security posture and expand into new markets with insurance dynamics.

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Keeping the Lights On: Security Trends in the Energy and Utilities Industry

The energy and utilities industry is built on a highly regulated framework — but that doesn’t mean it’s immune to the threat of a cyberattack.

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Government Data Woes: 2016 Compromised Records Surpass Total for Last Three Years Combined

Government entities in the U.S. and abroad have been targeted by malware infections, phishing schemes, SQL injection attacks and more.

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Planes, Trains and Automobiles (and More): No Shortage of Attack Targets in Transportation

The transportation industry is a large target for cybercriminals, and the only way to avoid damaging attacks is to be proactive about security.

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Fool Me Once, Shame on You — Fool Me Eight Times, Shame on My Security Posture?

Organizations with weak security posture are an attractive target for cybercriminals, and they may find themselves coming under fire frequently.

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Hacktivism: Fearmongering or Real Threat?

Organizations must be prepared for possible hacktivism campaigns by arming themselves with the best defensive tools and security strategies.

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