The dangers of anthropomorphizing AI: An infosec perspective

The generative AI revolution is showing no signs of slowing down. Chatbots and AI assistants have become an integral part of the business world, whether for training employees, answering customer queries or something else entirely. We’ve even given them names and genders and, in some cases, distinctive personalities. There are two very significant trends happening […]

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Malware peddlers experimenting with BPL sideloading and masking malicious payloads as PGP keys

A newly spotted campaign is leveraging BPL sideloading and other uncommon tricks to deliver the IDAT Loader (aka HijackLoader) malware and prevent its detection. The campaign Spotted by Kroll’s incident responders and analyzed by the company’s Cy… Continue reading Malware peddlers experimenting with BPL sideloading and masking malicious payloads as PGP keys

China first to haul back rocks from the far side of the Moon

A somewhat scorched Chang’e-6 return craft landed in Inner Mongolia yesterday, bringing with it the first rock and dust samples from the far side of the Moon – and hopes of unlocking some lunar secrets.Continue ReadingCategory: Space, ScienceTags: Chin… Continue reading China first to haul back rocks from the far side of the Moon

The EU Targets Russia’s LNG Ghost Fleet With Sanctions as Concern Mounts About Hybrid Attacks

Some expressed concern about a rise in hybrid attacks by Russia – including allegations of election interference, cyberattacks and sabotage.
The post The EU Targets Russia’s LNG Ghost Fleet With Sanctions as Concern Mounts About Hybrid Attacks appeared… Continue reading The EU Targets Russia’s LNG Ghost Fleet With Sanctions as Concern Mounts About Hybrid Attacks

Mirrored tiny house slides out its bed so owners can sleep under the stars

Okno Modhomes has designed a mirrored tiny house in rural India that has a neat trick up its sleeve. When it’s time to hit the sack, the owner can either sleep inside like you’d expect or, when the weather suits, activate a movable bed to drift off out… Continue reading Mirrored tiny house slides out its bed so owners can sleep under the stars

Developer errors lead to long-term exposure of sensitive data in Git repos

Credentials, API tokens, and passkeys – collectively referred to as secrets – from organizations around the globe were exposed for years, according to Aqua Security’s latest research. By scanning the most popular 100 organizations on GitHub, whic… Continue reading Developer errors lead to long-term exposure of sensitive data in Git repos