GitHub Repositories Leak Thousands of Secrets, Study Shows

In case you were ever in doubt about how well users are protecting credentials in GitHub repositories and other code repositories, researchers at North Carolina State University recently discovered many thousands of leaked secrets and…
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Zero Trust Part II: The Evolution of Trust and Five Key Considerations

This is the second half of a two part series on Zero Trust. Find the first part here. The Russian proverb ‘trust, but verify’ was not only used for Nixon’s presidential campaign, but it’s been…
The post Zero Trust Part II: The… Continue reading Zero Trust Part II: The Evolution of Trust and Five Key Considerations

MassTLC 2019 DC Fly-In takes Tech Advocacy to a Higher Plane

CyberArk is a member of the Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council (MassTLC), an industry consortium of 500 organizations. Every year, MassTLC joins their counterparts across North America to attend the Computing Technology Industry Association (C… Continue reading MassTLC 2019 DC Fly-In takes Tech Advocacy to a Higher Plane

Premiering Feb. 19: CyberArk Webinar on Top Security Projects Featuring Gartner’s Neil MacDonald

When it comes to picking the right security projects, Neil MacDonald, Gartner vice president and distinguished analyst, knows exactly where to start — “Focus on projects that reduce the most amount of risk and have…
The post Premiering Fe… Continue reading Premiering Feb. 19: CyberArk Webinar on Top Security Projects Featuring Gartner’s Neil MacDonald