Does a solution exist to permit account sharing without revealing the account password?

I’m looking for a process to replace the status quo of notepad and Excel. We’ve tested a market-leading password manager. An issue that comes up with this is that the secure sharing password facility has some significant vulnerabilities. W… Continue reading Does a solution exist to permit account sharing without revealing the account password?

Self-Signed Certificates on Management Interfaces – Cyber Security Standards

We have dozens of internal management interfaces on our appliances that use self-signed certificates – ILO, DRAC, switch management, etc. These certificates display a warning in the browser, but their expiry or lack of trust does not break… Continue reading Self-Signed Certificates on Management Interfaces – Cyber Security Standards

ECDH for P-521 (Web Crypto Api) / secp521r1 (NodeJS Crypto) generate a slightly different shared secret

I have generated a public and private key pair with ECDH from NodeJS
function _genPrivateKey(curveName = "secp384r1", encoding = "hex") {
const private_0 = crypto.createECDH(curveName);
private_0.generateKeys();… Continue reading ECDH for P-521 (Web Crypto Api) / secp521r1 (NodeJS Crypto) generate a slightly different shared secret