
Book DiscountWhile I was attending OSDFCon, I had a chance to (finally!) meet and speak with Jessica Hyde, a very smart and knowledgeable person, former Marine, and an all-around very nice lady.  As part of the conversation, she shared with me som… Continue reading Updates

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IWSFolks have started receiving the copies of IWS they ordered, and folks like Joey and Mary Ellen have already posted reviews!  Mary Ellen has also gone so far as to post her review the Amazon page for the book!Some have also pointed out that the… Continue reading Updates

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IWS is out!

My latest book, Investigating Windows Systems (Amazon, Elsevier) is out, and it seems that some have already received their ordered copies.  Very cool.  For anyone who’s ordered a copy, I thank you and I hope you find some value in it.I’ve bl… Continue reading IWS is out!

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