Suspected Iranian Hackers Used Compromised Indian Firm’s Email to Target U.A.E. Aviation Sector

Threat hunters are calling attention to a new highly-targeted phishing campaign that singled out “fewer than five” entities in the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) to deliver a previously undocumented Golang backdoor dubbed Sosano.
The malicious activity … Continue reading Suspected Iranian Hackers Used Compromised Indian Firm’s Email to Target U.A.E. Aviation Sector

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Over 4,000 ISP IPs Targeted in Brute-Force Attacks to Deploy Info Stealers and Cryptominers

Internet service providers (ISPs) in China and the West Coast of the United States have become the target of a mass exploitation campaign that deploys information stealers and cryptocurrency miners on compromised hosts.
The findings come from the Splun… Continue reading Over 4,000 ISP IPs Targeted in Brute-Force Attacks to Deploy Info Stealers and Cryptominers

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