Another Problem I Face: Security APIs in Continuous Delivery

The newly published OWASP Top 10 2017 Release Candidate introduces a new application security risk –protection of APIs. It’s not a secret that managing information security is becoming more complex. It is also no secret that there are more threats and more solutions to stay on top of. While it makes me wonder if we […]

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My Network has High Cholesterol

5 out of 6 businesses struggle daily with low profile DDoS attacks that consume their bandwidth and resources and pose a burden, resulting in poor service level and customer experience You know how when you get to a certain age, feeling ‘good’ is not good enough? Well it might be good for your everyday life […]

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How do you create a Flight Plan to a Never-Ending Journey?

In April 2017, we conducted a global survey of C-suite executives. All respondents represent organizations with at least $250 million (or the equivalent) in annual revenue. Our goal: to understand their greatest challenges, threats and opportunities when it comes to cyber security. When boarding a plane, have you ever wondered how much the pilot worries […]

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Radware’s Cyber Ninjas Mitigated a Spoofed-IPs Attack of Several Hundred Gbps

Background: Starting on April 1st, one of the most popular gaming operators from a large Asia-Pacific (APAC) country has suffered DDoS attacks, rendering the application unreachable and many gamers frustrated. It was a massive spoofed-IPs attack against the user authentication ports. After several attempts to mitigate the attack, the customer turned to a local cloud […]

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Walking Through the European Minefield of Cyber-Threats

European IT professionals report securing business continuity as the #1 challenge, even more than avoiding revenue loss or protecting reputation European Threat Landscape Managing cyber-security in Europe sometimes feels like walking through a minefield, where you have to calculate the risks with each step in order to make it safely. Between EU and / or […]

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How Lucrative is Confidential Data? Prime Bounty for Hackers, Top Concern for Businesses

IT Professionals report securing sensitive data as the #1 challenge, even more than avoiding revenue loss or protecting reputation In the 19th century, money was the key to power. During the 20th century, it was technology. Today, information and data is the key to power. It’s why organizations are keen to safeguard their data and […]

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Ask Yourself: Do I need an Emergency Response Plan? WHY?

Like the old words of wisdom “______ happens” (or simply, incidents occur), this is a fact of life. There are troubles you know you’re going to get into and others which you can’t anticipate. However, you can be prepared for each of them. And it is worth doing so, because when incidents occur we go […]

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Expectation management – What can vendor management systems do for you?

Have you noticed all management systems promise the same value? Have you ever met a vendor who did not offer “advanced automation,” “flexible customization” and “granular visibility”? The fact that all vendors promise the same values makes you doubt the necessity of their management consoles. After all, you are buying their solution for a certain […] Continue reading Expectation management – What can vendor management systems do for you?

5 Cyber Attack Developments Worth Your Attention

Are you concerned about being targeted? I am. As an IT person, it’s hard not be afraid when cyber attackers are always one step ahead of you. And, they have been quite busy this year, DDoSing, spreading malware, Ransoming and Doxing. I’m sure the stories have filled your newsfeeds. The Bigger Picture To understand what’s […] Continue reading 5 Cyber Attack Developments Worth Your Attention