How to check Application User Model ID (AppID) of installed apps in Windows 11

This tutorial shows you how to check the Application User Model ID (AUMID, also known as AppID or AppUserModelID) of installed apps in Windows 11/10. Each installed app has a unique Application User Model ID and is independent of its display name, inst… Continue reading How to check Application User Model ID (AppID) of installed apps in Windows 11

Octopuses Recorded Hunting With Fish – and Punching Those That Don’t Cooperate

Slashdot reader Hmmmmmm shared this report from NBC News:

Octopuses don’t always hunt alone — but their partners aren’t who you’d expect. A new study shows that some members of the species Octopus cyanea maraud around the seafloor in hunting gr… Continue reading Octopuses Recorded Hunting With Fish – and Punching Those That Don’t Cooperate

A Cheap, Low-Tech Solution For Storing Carbon? Researchers Suggest Burying Wood

Researchers propose a “deceptively simple” way to sequester carbon, reports the Washington Post: burying wood underground:

Forests are Earth’s lungs, sucking up six times more carbon dioxide (CO2) than the amount people pump into the atmosphere every … Continue reading A Cheap, Low-Tech Solution For Storing Carbon? Researchers Suggest Burying Wood

Open Source Initiative Announces Alliance with Nonprofit Certifications Group

When it comes to professional certifications, the long-running nonprofit Linux Professional Institute boasts they’ve issued 250,000, making them the world’s largest Linux/Open Source certification body. And last week they announced a “strategic allianc… Continue reading Open Source Initiative Announces Alliance with Nonprofit Certifications Group