Processing Machine Data With Machine Learning | Avast

This post was written by the following Avast researchers:
Petr Somol, Avast Director AI Research
Tomáš Pevný, Avast Principal AI Scientist
Viliam Lisý, Avast Principal AI Scientist
Branislav Bošanský, Avast Principal AI Scientist
Andrew B. Gard… Continue reading Processing Machine Data With Machine Learning | Avast

Avast Hacker Archives Episode 7 – Philip Zimmermann | Avast

“Here’s how it works!” Dan Aykroyd energetically tells the SNL audience. “Catch a bass, remove the hook, and drop the bass – that’s the WHOLE bass – in the Bass-O-Matic 76!” As he says this in his best punchy announcer voice, he picks up a real fish an… Continue reading Avast Hacker Archives Episode 7 – Philip Zimmermann | Avast