Locky ransomware downloads hijacked by vigilante and delivering Eicar test file instead

Last revised or Updated on: 29th March, 2016, 4:43 PMAnother set of  empty /blank emails that pretend to come from your own email address. This particular bunch have multiple subjects but all starting with CCE29032016  and attachments that also start with CCE29032016 Some of the subjects and attachments I have seen include: CCE29032016_00095.jpg CCE29032016_00065.docx  CCE29032016_00067.tiff CCE29032016_00050.pdf CCE29032016_00002.gif   These are obviously designed to make you think they are coming from a printer, scanner or Multi-functional device on your network. They are not image or word files despite the extensions and icons saying they are These attachments are not what they appear to be and are actually renamed zip files with the icons of the files they pretend to be, containing a js file. … Continue reading →