VIM Normalization

Linux users–including the ones at the Hackaday underground bunker–tend to fall into two groups: those that use vi and those that use emacs. We aren’t going to open that debate up again, but we couldn’t help but notice a new item on GitHub that potentially negates one of the biggest complaints non-vi users have, at least for vim which is the most common variant of vi in use on most modern systems. The vim keybinding makes vim behave like a “normal” editor (and to forestall flames, that’s a quote from the project page).

Normally vi starts out in a command …read more

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Exploiting Client-Side Node.js with Moses Hernandez – Paul’s Security Weekly #516

I know what you’re thinking, Node.js is server-side right? Not exactly. It turns out many client-side applications have embedded Node.js. And its not always updated to the latest version. And, its vulnerable to attacks! Moses Hernandez is a Consulting Systems Engineer for Cisco Systems and an Instructor for pen testing courses at the SANS Institute. Continue reading Exploiting Client-Side Node.js with Moses Hernandez – Paul’s Security Weekly #516

Editor Wars

As a rule, I try hard not to get sucked into religious wars. You know, Coke vs Pepsi. C++ vs Java. Chrome vs Firefox. There are two I can’t help but jump into: PC vs Mac (although, now that Mac has turned into Unix, that’s almost more habit than anything else) and–the big one–Emacs vs vi.

If you use Linux, Unix, or anything similar, you are probably at least aware of the violence surrounding this argument. Windows users aren’t immune, although fewer of them know the details. If you aren’t familiar with these two programs, they are–in a way–text editors. …read more

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