How the Best Defense Gets Better

Security starts before detection and response, but many organizations focus there first. Mature security teams understand the importance of identification and protection.  Establishing good cyber hygiene and taking proactive measures to secure themsel… Continue reading How the Best Defense Gets Better

Reformulating the cyber skills gap

Despite a positive (and significant) decrease from over 4 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs in 2019, there is still a staggering 3.12 million global shortage of workers with cybersecurity skills. You may find this somewhat inevitable, given that IT i… Continue reading Reformulating the cyber skills gap

What happens after a malicious email reaches employees’ inboxes?

On average, it takes three and half days (83 hours) from the moment a malicious email attack lands in an employees inbox, to when it is discovered by a security team or reported by end users and remediated, says new insight from Barracuda Networks. Res… Continue reading What happens after a malicious email reaches employees’ inboxes?

Strike First: The Benefits of Working With an Ethical Hacker

With cybersecurity attacks on the rise, companies must explore new ways to stay one step ahead of threat actors. IDG Research Services found that 78% of IT leaders are not confident in their companies’ security postures, which lead 91% of organizations to increase cybersecurity funding for 2021. As part of this increased focus, many companies are turning […]

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Detecting attackers obfuscating their IP address inside AWS

Security researchers have documented an attack technique that may allow attackers to leverage a legitimate Amazon VPC feature to mask their use of stolen API credentials inside AWS. The feature and its exploitation potential “Amazon Virtual Priva… Continue reading Detecting attackers obfuscating their IP address inside AWS

Cyber investigations, threat hunting and research: More art than science

While it’s true that threat hunting, incident response, and threat research all have their foundations in science (operating system theory and architecture, computer language and compilation, protocols, hardware and memory architecture, logic, etc.), t… Continue reading Cyber investigations, threat hunting and research: More art than science

Sophos XDR: Threat hunting through the entire security ecosystem

Almost a decade ago, ransomware started becoming a prominent consumer problem, locking computers and threatening users with fines and jail time for supposedly downloading unlicensed software or child pornography. Not long after that cyber criminals swi… Continue reading Sophos XDR: Threat hunting through the entire security ecosystem

Why threat hunting is obsolete without context

Cybersecurity is an undisputed concern within any industry – but how are organizations and businesses using the security data and information they collect to best ensure their businesses are protected from cyber threats? Threat hunting context Accordin… Continue reading Why threat hunting is obsolete without context

Be a “dumbass”, like some of the world’s best cyber investigators

One of my closest friends in the cybersecurity industry has had a second-to-none career path. While in the employ of an industry leader in incident response, he was consistently their busiest forensic investigator, spearheading some of their most notor… Continue reading Be a “dumbass”, like some of the world’s best cyber investigators

The Story of FakeChat

Starting late December 2020, IBM Trusteer’s mobile threat research lab discovered and began closely tracking a new Android banking malware that appeared to be mostly targeting users in Spain. Per our analysis, the purpose of the malware is to steal credit card numbers, bank account credentials and other private information from its victims. Once a […]

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