Attackers rapidly adopting new techniques to target users

Zix announced the release of a report which finds attackers are rapidly adopting new techniques to target users. “Cybercrime is exploding in 2021 and if there is anything that could be learned over the past year, it is that threat hunters are essential… Continue reading Attackers rapidly adopting new techniques to target users

Critical Infrastructure Attack Trends: What Business Leaders Should Know

Amateur threat actors have been able to compromise critical infrastructure like industrial control systems (ICS) and other operational technology (OT) assets more often lately. Compromises of exposed OT assets rose over the past 18 months, according to threat researchers at Mandiant, with attackers using readily-available tools and common techniques to gain access to the systems. […]

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Hunting for Evidence of DLL Side-Loading With PowerShell and Sysmon

Recently, X-Force Red released a tool called Windows Feature Hunter, which identifies targets for dynamic link library (DLL) side-loading on a Windows system using Frida. To provide a defensive counter-measure perspective for DLL side-loading, X-Force Incident Response has released SideLoaderHunter, which is a system profiling script and Sysmon configuration designed to identify evidence of side-loading […]

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50% of cybersecurity attacks are from repeat offenders

Lack of awareness and gaps in knowledge are a weak link for cybersecurity leadership who are responsible for strategic planning of cybersecurity defenses, leaving organizations exposed to risks, a Ponemon survey reveals. With 2021 already claiming high… Continue reading 50% of cybersecurity attacks are from repeat offenders

ITG18: Operational Security Errors Continue to Plague Sizable Iranian Threat Group

This blog supplements a Black Hat USA 2021 talk given August 2021.  IBM Security X-Force threat intelligence researchers continue to track the infrastructure and activity of a suspected Iranian threat group ITG18. This group’s tactics, techniques and procedures(TTPs) overlap with groups known as Charming Kitten, Phosphorus and TA453. Since our initial report on the group’s training […]

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Cybereason Enhances XDR Offering with empow Acquisition

Today’s targeted attacks increasingly take aim at multiple devices and users simultaneously while employing a range of tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs). To further complicate the work of the defender, traditional security solutions are al… Continue reading Cybereason Enhances XDR Offering with empow Acquisition

FragAttacks: Everything You Need to Know

A cybersecurity researcher discovered a new category of Wi-Fi vulnerabilities recently. But the surprising news is that this new category is actually very old. Called FragAttacks, these 12 Wi-Fi vulnerabilities have existed since the late 90s. But they’re new to the cybersecurity world because people only recently discovered and described them. Researchers unveiled the details on May […]

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Cybereason Launches Global Defenders League Partner Program

The Cybereason team is excited to announce the launch of the Cybereason Defenders League, a Global Partner community, designed to reward the cybersecurity industry’s most trusted advisors and solution providers by increasing their margins and prof… Continue reading Cybereason Launches Global Defenders League Partner Program

RoboSki and Global Recovery: Automation to Combat Evolving Obfuscation

In a recent collaboration to investigate a rise in malware infections featuring a commercial remote access trojan (RAT), IBM Security X-Force and Cipher Tech Solutions (CT), a defense and intelligence security firm, investigated malicious activity that spiked in the first quarter of 2021. With over 1,300 malware samples collected, the teams analyzed the delivery of […]

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Attacks on Operational Technology From IBM X-Force and Dragos Data

Operational Technology Threats in 2021: Ransomware, Remote Access Trojans and Targeted Threat Groups Organizations with operational technology (OT) networks face many unique — and often complicated — considerations when it comes to cybersecurity threats. One of the main challenges facing the community is the convergence of an increasingly OT-aware and capable threat landscape with the […]

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