Best way to store user input that has HTML tags and <script> tags and display it on client side as is but still being safe from mainstream attacks

I am new to web security, and I need your help in confirming things. As the title says, I am looking for and researching for a safe way to take in user input that may contain special characters/HTML/bbcode/script tags and safely store it i… Continue reading Best way to store user input that has HTML tags and <script> tags and display it on client side as is but still being safe from mainstream attacks

5 critical questions to test your ransomware preparedness

I’m a pentester – that is, a professional penetration tester. Some call me an ethical hacker, a white hat, or red teamer. In the heat of the moment, I’ve been called much worse – because I’ve spent countless hours attacking organizations like yours wit… Continue reading 5 critical questions to test your ransomware preparedness

What are vulnerabilities of saving user input directly in wordpress plugin?

I have a WordPress plugin that helps create an organization chart/tree and then generates a URL where the chart is available to be viewed by the public.
The plugin dashboard looks like this
the plugin uses window alerts to input from the u… Continue reading What are vulnerabilities of saving user input directly in wordpress plugin?

How does the –os-shell parameter in Sqlmap work? Is it still anonymous over Tor?

How does the –os-shell parameter in Sqlmap work? I know its uploading a backdoor, but how is Sqlmap uploading it and is the file just a normal reverse shell trojan?
Also, is it still anonymous when being used over the –tor switch?

Continue reading How does the –os-shell parameter in Sqlmap work? Is it still anonymous over Tor?