Troubleshooting: A Method For Solving Problems The Right Way

We’ve all experienced that magic moment when, after countless frustrating hours of experimentation and racking your brain, the object of our attention starts working. The 3D printer finally produces good …read more Continue reading Troubleshooting: A Method For Solving Problems The Right Way

Magnets Versus Laundry Detergent

Soap cleans clothes better than magnets. There, we are spoiling the ending so don’t accuse us of clickbaiting. The funny thing is that folks believe this is plausible enough to ask magnets experts so often that they dedicate a blog entry to comparing magnets and soap. Since you already know …read more

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Jenny McCarthy’s Antivax Group Is Funding Scientific Research On Autism

A scientific publisher recently yanked a paper abstract after experts complained. It was mostly funded by Jenny McCarthy’s Generation Rescue. Continue reading Jenny McCarthy’s Antivax Group Is Funding Scientific Research On Autism