Windows 10 Suffers Yet Another Wormable Zero-Day

Here we go again: An SMB vulnerability lets hackers access your Windows clients and servers. And there’s no patch (yet).
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New AMD Processor Bug Breaks Encryption

AMD CPUs have yet another flaw: Researchers say they can steal private AES keys, leak kernel memory, set up covert cloud channels, and do other dirty, dark deeds.
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New Intel Chipset Bug: ‘Utter Chaos Will Reign’

A new angle on an old Intel bug is making heads spin this week: The researchers who found it say it’s unpatchable.
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Recycling State-Sponsored Malware for Fun and Profit

What if criminals could reuse malware written by the NSA or Iran, and repurpose it to attack their own targets?
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Best of 2020: ‘TikTok is Spyware,’ Warns Reddit CEO. ‘We Don’t Care,’ Say Users

Millennial social app TikTok is “fundamentally parasitic,” according to Steve Huffman, Reddit’s co-founder.
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Clearview, a Startup Probably Holding Your Image, Gets Hacked

Clearview AI, a young, agile, privacy-busting startup, has been hacked in an embarrassing data breach.
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Apple Goes Rogue, Drops Unilateral TLS Certificate Guillotine

Safari will no longer trust certificates that last longer than 13 months. Yes, you read that right; IT and DevOps are spitting blood.
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DISA Breach Could Impact 200,000, Says Trump’s IT Agency

The U.S. Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) confirms the “potential compromise” of its users’ private data.
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Iran Backdoors ‘Dozens’ of Companies via VPN 1-Day Vulnerabilities

A report claims government-backed Iranian groups have been hacking companies around the world, by exploiting bugs in VPNs.
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500+ Google Chrome Extensions Stealing Your Data for Years

Security researchers just found a huge cache of malicious Chrome extensions, infecting millions of browsers.
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