Best of 2020: Was This Huawei’s Failed Attempt at a Linux Backdoor?

A Huawei employee submitted a large, buggy patch to the Linux kernel—apparently it contained a “trivially exploitable” security hole.
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DEF CON is Canceled. Wanna Buy a Bridge?

We’re told DEF CON 28 is canceled. But obviously we’re not stupid enough to fall for that old trick.
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Xiaomi U-Turn: Admits Sending Private Data it Said it Didn’t

This just gets weirder: Xiaomi was caught out by security researchers, who found its devices phoning home.
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Steal Data Though Sound, Sans Speaker?

A researcher has figured out how to get a PC’s power supply to make noises. Why’s that interesting? Because it could be used to transmit data.
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Quibi, JetBlue, Others Leaked Millions of Emails

Hundreds of millions of people might have had their email addresses given to advertising and analytics companies. According to a new report, brands such as the Washington Post and Mailchimp have been quietly leaking the personal data—often for years. I… Continue reading Quibi, JetBlue, Others Leaked Millions of Emails

COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps Fight Privacy Fears

Governments are introducing apps to help trace contacts of newly-infected individuals. But questions remain about how they will preserve privacy.
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China Wants to Control All the Internet With ‘New IP’ Plan

The Chinese Communist Party wants to remake the internet in its own image,supported by such transparent regimes as Russia, Saudi Arabia and Iran.
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Apple Scrambles to Patch Old iOS Mail Bugs

A pair of unpatched RCE vulnerabilities in iOS have been quietly exploited for months—possibly years.
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COVID-19 Phishing Lures Explode – Google Blocks 18M in 7 Days

Bad people are feeding off our fears by using novel-coronavirus themes in their phishing campaigns.
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Zoom Zero-Days For Sale: Critical RCE at $500,000

Another day, another Zoom infosec dumpster fire.
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