How Realtime Is Your Kernel? Scope A GPIO To Find Out

Showing the scope screen and the BeagleBone setup side by side, with GPIO input and output traces shown on the scope screen.

When debugging something as involved as kernel scheduler timings, you would typically use one of the software-based debugging mechanisms available. However, in cases when software is close to bare metal, …read more Continue reading How Realtime Is Your Kernel? Scope A GPIO To Find Out

Vulnerabilities in Nucleus NET TCP/IP stack could lead to real-world damage

Researchers have unearthed 13 vulnerabilities affecting the Nucleus NET TCP/IP stack and have demonstrated how attackers could exploit them to cause serious real-world damage. The good news is that Siemens – the current owner of the stack –… Continue reading Vulnerabilities in Nucleus NET TCP/IP stack could lead to real-world damage

Real-Time OS Basics: Picking The Right RTOS When You Need One

When do you need to use a real-time operating system (RTOS) for an embedded project? What does it bring to the table, and what are the costs? Fortunately there are strict technical definitions, which can also help one figure out …read more

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Hackaday Links: October 4, 2020

In case you hadn’t noticed, it was a bad week for system admins. Pennsylvania-based United Health Services, a company that owns and operates hospitals across the US and UK, was hit by a ransomware attack early in the week. The attack, which appears to be the Ryuk ransomware, shut down …read more

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Linux in the Machine Shop Hack Chat

Join us on Wednesday, July 8 at noon Pacific for the Linux in the Machine Shop Hack Chat with Andy Pugh!

From the time that numeric control started making inroads into machine shops in the middle of the last century until relatively recently, the power of being able to control …read more

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How prepared are SMBs to recover from disaster?

The vast majority of SMBs both expect the unexpected and feel that they’re ready for disaster – though they may not be, Infrascale reveals. Ninety-two percent of SMB executives said they believe their businesses are prepared to recover from a disaster…. Continue reading How prepared are SMBs to recover from disaster?

Making an Arduino Ventilator? Read This First

Thanks to the virus crisis, lots of people are designing makeshift ventilator designs in the hopes of saving people’s lives. Many of these are based around some sort of Arduino-powered CPU. [Armstrong Subero] things that’s a great idea, but cautions that making an electronic pair of dice is a different …read more

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Write Once, Run Everywhere: Cross-Platform Programming Done Right

One of the goals of programming languages back in the 1950s was to create a way to write assembly language concepts in an abstract, high-level manner. This would allow the same code to be used across the wildly different system architectures of that era and subsequent decades, requiring only a …read more

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