Royal Navy trials robotic boat for surveying sea bottom

The Royal Navy is testing a robotic boat designed to survey uncharted waters as part of an investigation into the use of uncrewed vessels for military surveying operations. The Otter Pro boat was tested on Horsea Lake at the Defence Diving School, Port… Continue reading Royal Navy trials robotic boat for surveying sea bottom

Wearable robotic system could help rehabilitate stroke victims

When someone has suffered a stroke, they often have difficulty relaying commands from their brain to other parts of their body, such as their limbs. A new robotic system, known as NCyborg, may one day help them regain the ability to do so.Continue Read… Continue reading Wearable robotic system could help rehabilitate stroke victims

Milrem Robotics to apply military robotic tech to planetary rovers

ESA has awarded a contract to Milrem Robotics for a series of projects to provide planetary rovers with a higher degree of autonomy by using the capabilities that Milrem developed for its line of modular military robots.Continue ReadingCategory: Space,… Continue reading Milrem Robotics to apply military robotic tech to planetary rovers

IBM’s autonomous Mayflower ship sets sail across the Atlantic sans crew

IBM’s Mayflower Autonomous Ship (MAS400) has set sail across the Atlantic ocean without a crew or human control. Built and operated in conjunction with ocean research non-profit ProMare and industry partners, the autonomous trimaran left Turnchapel Wha… Continue reading IBM’s autonomous Mayflower ship sets sail across the Atlantic sans crew

How an extra thumb changes the way your brain perceives the hand

A few years ago a London-based designer named Dani Clode introduced the world to the Third Thumb, a novel robotic finger controlled using pressure sensors under one’s feet. The project was more a novelty than a prototype, exploring futurist ideas surro… Continue reading How an extra thumb changes the way your brain perceives the hand