Starfish larvae inspire vortex-powered microrobot

Nature is a never-ending source of inspiration for robots, whether it’s bees, bacteria, cockroaches, fish or even scallops. Now an unlikely new candidate has joined the list – starfish larvae, which use tiny hairs to create a vortex to propel themselve… Continue reading Starfish larvae inspire vortex-powered microrobot

Robot dogs don’t look as cute with night-vision sniper rifles on board

You’ve seen Spot run. You’ve seen Spot jump. You’ve seen Spot do cute little booty-shaking dance routines. Now, see Spot fire lethal weapons. Sword Defense Systems has presented a precision rifle for robot dogs, capable of nailing targets 1.2 km (0.75 … Continue reading Robot dogs don’t look as cute with night-vision sniper rifles on board

Bipedal robot/drone hybrid can walk, fly and skateboard

Whether you think it’s cool or unnerving, robots are becoming more agile – and Caltech’s LEONARDO looks like one of the most nimble examples yet. LEO walks on two legs, jumps and flies, can balance on a slackline and even skateboard.Continue ReadingCat… Continue reading Bipedal robot/drone hybrid can walk, fly and skateboard

Tiny punching “robot” mimics the mechanism of the mantis shrimp

Among other things, the mantis shrimp is known for having the fastest punch of any animal. Harvard scientists have now built a mechanism that simulates that punch, and they believe that it could lead to new capabilities for human technologies.Continue … Continue reading Tiny punching “robot” mimics the mechanism of the mantis shrimp

Samsung to invest $205B in semiconductor, biopharma and telco units by 2023, creating 40,000 jobs

Samsung Group, South Korea’s tech giant, announced on Tuesday that it will invest $205 billion (240 trillion won) in their semiconductor, biopharmaceuticals and telecommunications units over the next three years to enhance its global presence and lead in new industries such as next-generation telecommunication and robotics. The investment will be led by Samsung affiliates including […] Continue reading Samsung to invest $205B in semiconductor, biopharma and telco units by 2023, creating 40,000 jobs