Biohybrid fish powered by beating human heart cells swims for 100 days

Researchers at Harvard and Emory University have created a biohybrid fish out of human heart muscle cells that can swim autonomously for months at a time as the cells beat. The project is a quirky sidestep on the way to eventually growing new functioni… Continue reading Biohybrid fish powered by beating human heart cells swims for 100 days

Mighty morphing melting metal robot switches from driving to flying drone

Most robots are designed for a specific job, and aren’t very adaptable. But engineers at Virginia Tech have now developed a soft robot that can morph into a range of shapes, such as driving, flying or swimming robots, thanks to a rubber skin full of a … Continue reading Mighty morphing melting metal robot switches from driving to flying drone

Autonomous Black Hawk helicopter makes first flight with no crew onboard

DARPA’s Aircrew Labor In-Cockpit Automation System (ALIAS) program has taken another step forward, with a US Army UH-60A Black Hawk helicopter taking to the air over Fort Campbell, Kentucky on February 5 for a 30-minute autonomous flight with no one ab… Continue reading Autonomous Black Hawk helicopter makes first flight with no crew onboard

Dragonfly-sized drone flaps its wings more efficiently than insects

No matter how good our human designs may be, evolution has had a 4-billion-year head start, so there’s no shame in copying off Mother Nature’s homework. Engineers at the University of Bristol have done just that – and even improved on it – developing a… Continue reading Dragonfly-sized drone flaps its wings more efficiently than insects

Continental makes hands-free robotic EV charging as simple as wireless

All EV drivers really want is faster charging, but for now they’re getting creepy and/or complex robo-charging snakes and arms instead. Robotic charging might ultimately make topping off an EV battery easier, but it would be nice if it didn’t terrify c… Continue reading Continental makes hands-free robotic EV charging as simple as wireless

Falcon-inspired drone uses claws to perch and grab objects

Nature is an endless source of inspiration for robot design, so of course flying robots will borrow heavily from birds. Engineers at Stanford have now developed robotic claws inspired by the talons of a falcon that let drones perch on many different su… Continue reading Falcon-inspired drone uses claws to perch and grab objects

Test subjects show surprising ability to play piano with a third thumb

Could an existing piano player adapt to playing the instrument with an extra, robotic thumb? A new study suggests that the answer is yes, and interestingly enough, even people who are new to the piano are equally adept at using the added appendage.Cont… Continue reading Test subjects show surprising ability to play piano with a third thumb

Rook 6×6 military UGV autonomously traverses rough terrain

We’re seeing an increasing number of robotic devices that are created to perform tasks which would put soldiers in danger, or take them away from other more important duties. The Rook UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle) is one of the latest, and it features … Continue reading Rook 6×6 military UGV autonomously traverses rough terrain

Microrobot fish swims through the body to vomit drugs on cancer

Delivering chemotherapy drugs directly to cancers could help reduce side effects, and soon that job could be done by tiny 3D-printed robotic animals. These microrobots are steered by magnets, and only release their drug payload when they encounter the … Continue reading Microrobot fish swims through the body to vomit drugs on cancer