Should TalkTalk block TeamViewer?

It’s hardly a secret that TalkTalk has had problems with tech support scams. Or at any rate its customers have, leading to suspicions that some of the scammers “… know more about their intended victims (and their issues with TalkTalk) than they should.” I don’t suppose for a moment that TalkTalk is actively cooperating with known […] Continue reading Should TalkTalk block TeamViewer?

Your Seagate Central NAS could be hosting mining malware

If you have discovered cryptocurrency mining malware on your system, have removed it, and got compromised again without an idea about how it happened, it could be that the source of the infection is the Seagate Central NAS sitting on your network. The malware Sophos researchers recently analyzed a newer version of a malware that’s set on mining the Monero (XMR), a new digital cryptocurrency that is much easier to mine than Bitcoin. Mal/Miner-C, as … More Continue reading Your Seagate Central NAS could be hosting mining malware

Remote Butler attack: APT groups’ dream come true

Microsoft security researchers have come up with an extension of the “Evil Maid” attack that allows attackers to bypass local Windows authentication to defeat full disk encryption: “Remote Butler”. Demonstrated at Black Hat USA 2016 by researchers Tal Be’ery and Chaim Hoch, the Remote Butler attack has one crucial improvement over Evil Maid: it can be effected by attackers who do not have physical access to the target Windows computer that has, at one time, … More Continue reading Remote Butler attack: APT groups’ dream come true

US Supreme Court approves expansion of FBI hacking powers

The US Supreme Court has approved on Thursday several changes to the federal rules around search warrants, one of which would allow US federal law enforcement agents to remotely access suspects’ systems when they don’t know the systems’ IP address because it has been concealed, and victims whose computers have already been compromised by attackers. Rule 41 of the new Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure states that “a magistrate judge with authority in any district … More Continue reading US Supreme Court approves expansion of FBI hacking powers