Is deploying a web application to a customer’s encrypted drive a secure solution against code theft?

I have developed a web service for customer. The web service is written in Python and running in Docker containers. It is managed by docker compose.
The customer wants my web service to run on their own Ubuntu servers, but I have control o… Continue reading Is deploying a web application to a customer’s encrypted drive a secure solution against code theft?

How to Become a Data Scientist in 2023: A Cheat Sheet

Becoming a data scientist often involves getting a degree or certification and learning skills in cloud computing, statistics and probability, and database management among others. Continue reading How to Become a Data Scientist in 2023: A Cheat Sheet

Hackaday Prize 2023: Jumperless, The Jumperless Jumperboard

Jumperless is a jumperless breadboard with multicolored LED visualization of signals in real-time. Sounds like magic? This beautifully executed entry to the 2023 Hackaday Prize by [Kevin Santo Cappuccio] uses …read more Continue reading Hackaday Prize 2023: Jumperless, The Jumperless Jumperboard

[SANS ISC] Python Malware Using Postgresql for C2 Communications

Today, I published the following diary on “Python Malware Using Postgresql for C2 Communications“: For modern malware, having access to its C2 (Command and control) is a crucial point. There are many ways to connect to a C2 server using tons of protocols, but today, HTTP remains very common

The post [SANS ISC] Python Malware Using Postgresql for C2 Communications appeared first on /dev/random.

Continue reading [SANS ISC] Python Malware Using Postgresql for C2 Communications

[SANS ISC] Have You Ever Heard of the Fernet Encryption Algorithm?

Today, I published the following diary on “Have You Ever Heard of the Fernet Encryption Algorithm?“: In cryptography, there is a gold rule that states to not develop your own algorithm because… it will be probably weak and broken! They are strong algorithms (like AES) that do a great job

The post [SANS ISC] Have You Ever Heard of the Fernet Encryption Algorithm? appeared first on /dev/random.

Continue reading [SANS ISC] Have You Ever Heard of the Fernet Encryption Algorithm?