Eyes everywhere: How to safely navigate the IoT video revolution

Cameras are coming to a connected device near you. Cheap image sensors from old mobile phones are flooding the market and bringing video to the Internet of Things (IoT). Vacuum cleaners, bird feeders, connected cars and even smart ovens now come loaded… Continue reading Eyes everywhere: How to safely navigate the IoT video revolution

Protecting against FraudGPT, ChatGPT’s evil twin

FraudGPT is the evil counterpart to ChatGPT. Criminals use it to target businesses with phishing emails and scams with speed and accuracy like never before. The AI can be prompted to create the most realistic phishing emails, perfected down to a busine… Continue reading Protecting against FraudGPT, ChatGPT’s evil twin

The hidden costs of neglecting cybersecurity for small businesses

In this Help Net Security interview, Raffaele Mautone, CEO of Judy Security, talks about the cybersecurity problems that small businesses face and the need for prioritization to save businesses from potential fines and damage to their brand reputation…. Continue reading The hidden costs of neglecting cybersecurity for small businesses

Optimal way to securely store password on client with server invalidation but not knowledge

A number of similar questions have been asked about this general topic before (e.g. How to store user credentials in browser securely?), but I wanted to seek some clarification on a specific scenario.
I have what is essentially a stateless… Continue reading Optimal way to securely store password on client with server invalidation but not knowledge

Current ransomware defenses efforts are not working

Despite some positive developments, the impact of ransomware attacks remains high, according to SpyCloud. Infostealer infections preceded 22% of ransomware events for North American and European ransomware victim companies in 2023 – with common infoste… Continue reading Current ransomware defenses efforts are not working

Overview of IoT threats in 2023

IoT threats: how devices get hacked, what malware is uploaded, and what services are on offer on the dark web in 2023. Continue reading Overview of IoT threats in 2023

Is ISP sending WiFi password in plain text to phone necessarily a bad sign?

The new router I was given by my internet and phone provider can only be configured via their website. I logged in and went to the page where you can set things like the SSID and password for the WiFi signal, and changed some of the settin… Continue reading Is ISP sending WiFi password in plain text to phone necessarily a bad sign?

How to Find and Block Breached Passwords in Active Directory

Cybercriminals love passwords. They’re simple to guess, easy to steal, and can offer unfettered access to a goldmine of data to hold for ransom or sell to other cybercriminals. For those same reasons, compromised passwords are a constant headache for IT teams, who spend far longer than they’d like helping users reset them and fixing…

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