Criteria for Common Name of Certificate Authority and how it affects SSL certificates

It is not clear to me how the Common Name affects a certificate authority and the certificates that are ultimately created. For example, I have this simple script that creates some files for a certificate authority auto-generated/ca.* and… Continue reading Criteria for Common Name of Certificate Authority and how it affects SSL certificates

Other benefits of creating my certificate authority aside from the firefox issue and centralized management of certificates?

I’ve been trying to read more about self-signed SSL certificates versus creating my own certificate authority to sign SSL certificates. I am still not completely clear on this.
I’ll start by explaining my use case: I have customers that … Continue reading Other benefits of creating my certificate authority aside from the firefox issue and centralized management of certificates?

Why openssl verify does not work for the certificate chain of a correctly configured site?

I download its certificates. To do that, I used the openssl debug output of the command
openssl s_client -connect -servername -showcerts -debug </dev/null 2>&1|tee out

Th… Continue reading Why openssl verify does not work for the certificate chain of a correctly configured site?

If I control both sides of a connection, is there any reason to support alternate cipher suites?

If I have a system where I have 100% control over the client operating system and the server operating system, is there any use case for enabling more than one cipher suite (or any of the options that something like openssl will let you co… Continue reading If I control both sides of a connection, is there any reason to support alternate cipher suites?

Encrypting/wrapping a private RSA key in PKCS8 using AES-GCM and openSSL 3.20 (library not command line tool)

I need to protect a private RSA key using a passphrase but using AES-GCM for the actual encryption.
This is normally done using various a combination of openSSL library calls. However, I now need to support using AES-GCM instead of AES-CBC… Continue reading Encrypting/wrapping a private RSA key in PKCS8 using AES-GCM and openSSL 3.20 (library not command line tool)