How to Boost Your Data Privacy With a Virtual Private Network

Using a virtual private network (VPN) to obfuscate your location and encrypt data is a powerful way to boost data privacy and prevent the tracking, stalking and theft of personal information.

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German Art Activists Get Passport Using Digitally Altered Photo of Two Women Merged Together

It’s part of an artwork called “Mask ID,” a campaign that’s encouraging ordinary citizens to “flood government databases with misinformation” and disrupt mass surveillance programs. Continue reading German Art Activists Get Passport Using Digitally Altered Photo of Two Women Merged Together

How can I make sure that my Python code cannot be accessed by the user of my web app?

I have a Python Program whose code I would like to protect. For sake of example, let’s say I coded a novel function called “add” which does the following:

def add(n1, n2):
return n1 + n2

I’d like to release this functi… Continue reading How can I make sure that my Python code cannot be accessed by the user of my web app?

C++ binary obfuscation: how to get around license checks being a simple if/then branches?

I’m looking into binary obfuscation for an exectuable binary written in C++. I realize preventing cracks is impossible, but making it slightly harder would be nice.

No matter how complex the actual license scheme is, I can’t think of a wa… Continue reading C++ binary obfuscation: how to get around license checks being a simple if/then branches?

Massive WordPress Redirect Campaign Targets Vulnerable tagDiv Themes and Ultimate Member Plugins

This August, we’ve seen a new massive wave of WordPress infections that redirect visitors to unwanted sites.
When redirected, users see annoying pages with random utroro[.]com addresses and fake reCAPTCHA images. The messages and content try to … Continue reading Massive WordPress Redirect Campaign Targets Vulnerable tagDiv Themes and Ultimate Member Plugins