Email campaigns leverage updated DBatLoader to deliver RATs, stealers

IBM X-Force has identified new capabilities in DBatLoader malware samples delivered in recent email campaigns, signaling a heightened risk of infection from commodity malware families associated with DBatLoader activity. Explore the analysis.

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The rise of malicious Chrome extensions targeting Latin America

In its latest research, IBM Security Lab has observed a noticeable increase in campaigns related to malicious Chrome extensions, targeting  Latin America with a focus on financial institutions, booking sites, and instant messaging. This trend is particularly concerning considering Chrome is one of the most widely used web browsers globally, with a market share of […]

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TCP/IP Services Application in Windows 10 and it’s usage as DDoS client

Recently I’ve been hit with a virus which uses ‘Simple TCP/IP services’ in Windows 10. It was using quite a lot of upload bandwidth (pic 1) and sending chargen packets using UDP to several IPs that I checked with wireshark (pic 2)
pic 1:

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Obfuscation Using Python Bytecode

1.1      Introduction I love when I get tossed a piece of unique malware. Most of the time, malware is obfuscated using PowerShell or a dropper written in C. This time, however, it was obfuscated using Python. How fun! My first thought when I was asked to look at it was, “It’s Python. I’ll just read…

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The Nightmare of Proc Hollow’s Exe

In the last blog on Parent Process ID (PPID) Spoofing, we discussed how to hide the malicious process by giving it a legit parent. In this blog, we are going to discuss yet another method of hiding malicious code, using Process Hollowing. At a high level, this is where malicious code launches a new process,…

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PPID Spoofing: It’s Really this Easy to Fake Your Parent

1 New Blog Series on Common Malware Tactics and Tricks This will be the first post in a series of blogs covering some common malware tactics and tricks. The following list is of topics that will be discussed in these blogs. However, feel free to reach out if there is topic that is not on…

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How to know if you have downloaded a malware on a virtual machine [duplicate]

First, I’m a complete beginner, my only experience in malware is running windows defender lol. But I will try my best to learn anything that you guys recommend.
My younger brother keeps downloading games from shady websites, thankfully til… Continue reading How to know if you have downloaded a malware on a virtual machine [duplicate]