The Dark Overlord hacking suspect who’s fighting extradition to the U.S. is running out of options

An alleged member of the Dark Overlord hacking crew could be extradited to the U.S. before the end of the year. Nathan Wyatt, a 38-year-old U.K. resident, has been charged with conspiracy, two counts of aggravated identity theft and three counts of threatening damage to a computer in connection with a U.S. investigation into the Dark Overlord, according to British court documents. He’s nearing the end of a yearlong legal battle in which his attorneys have argued he shouldn’t be sent to the U.S. The opportunities to continue the fight, however, are becoming scarce. The Dark Overlord is a well-known gang that specializes in stealing sensitive material, then threatening victims with exposure unless they pay an extortion fee. The group is perhaps best known for leaking unreleased episodes of the Netflix show “Orange Is the New Black,” though it also has forced the closure of U.S. schools by threatening students’ families […]

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The Dark Overlord hacking suspect who’s fighting extradition to the U.S. is running out of options

An alleged member of the Dark Overlord hacking crew could be extradited to the U.S. before the end of the year. Nathan Wyatt, a 38-year-old U.K. resident, has been charged with conspiracy, two counts of aggravated identity theft and three counts of threatening damage to a computer in connection with a U.S. investigation into the Dark Overlord, according to British court documents. He’s nearing the end of a yearlong legal battle in which his attorneys have argued he shouldn’t be sent to the U.S. The opportunities to continue the fight, however, are becoming scarce. The Dark Overlord is a well-known gang that specializes in stealing sensitive material, then threatening victims with exposure unless they pay an extortion fee. The group is perhaps best known for leaking unreleased episodes of the Netflix show “Orange Is the New Black,” though it also has forced the closure of U.S. schools by threatening students’ families […]

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Alleged Capital One hacker Paige Thompson to be released before trial

Paige Thompson will be free to move throughout the Seattle area before her case goes to trial. The accused Capital One hacker is scheduled to be released from jail Tuesday after a judge determined the 33-year-old defendant does not pose enough of a threat to the community to warrant her incarceration. Thompson, who is transgender, was arrested in July for allegedly hacking Capital One to access information about 106 million people, and has been held in a men’s detention center in Seattle in the months since. U.S. District Judge Robert Lasnik previously told attorneys he was “very concerned” about whether Thompson would receive adequate mental health treatment from the Bureau of Prisons, citing previous cases in which trans inmates have resorted to self-harm behind bars. The former Amazon Web Services software engineer is charged with computer fraud and abuse and wire fraud in connection with a breach at Capital One. Prosecutors say […]

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Accused Capital One hacker had as much as 30 terabytes of stolen data, feds say

Investigators probing the Capital One data breach say they have between 20 and 30 terabytes of data in their possession as they prepare for trial against the alleged hacker, Paige Thompson, according to court documents obtained by CyberScoop. The government now is parsing through millions of individual files, prosecutors said, as well as a spreadsheet agents say they found recently on Thompson’s computer, which contains aggregated information apparently stolen from Capital One. “[B]asically, each line is one credit card applicant and information about that person,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew Friedman told a federal court during a detention hearing Oct. 4. “Some of it is coded information that means nothing to us, like what particular offer they received; some of it … is the names and dates of birth and the last four digits of Social Security numbers and things like that. … It’s hard to know exactly what this is.” Friedman […]

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Hackaday Links: October 6, 2019

“If you or someone you love has been exposed to questionable quality electrolytic capacitors, you could be entitled to financial compensation.” Perhaps that’s not exactly the pitch behind this class action lawsuit against capacitor manufacturers, but it might as well be. The suit claims that the defendants, a group of …read more

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