What can a victim company do when it’s hard to differentiate between a Physical Pentest from a Criminal Physical Penetration

Hypothetical Situation:

The company Blue hires the company Red to do a Red Team engagement on Blue. Here, I’ll be discussing only the physical part of the engagement, not social and cyber.

Red successfully infiltrates Blue … Continue reading What can a victim company do when it’s hard to differentiate between a Physical Pentest from a Criminal Physical Penetration

NeverQuest banking malware administrator sentenced to 4 years

A Russian man who helped create a hacking tool capable of extracting funds from victims’ bank accounts will spend four years behind bars, a punishment that fell short of the five years for which federal prosecutors had asked. A judge in the U.S. Southern District of New York handed down the 48-month prison sentence, including time served, to Stanislav Lisov for his role in deploying the NeverQuest malware. Lisov admitted he profited $885,000 from NeverQuest, while government investigators said the hacking technique had been used to try to steal a total of $4.4 million from international banks. Five years would have been the maximum allowed under the terms of a plea deal Lisov struck with the Department of Justice early this year. “He is happy,” Lisov’s attorney, Arkady Bukh, told CyberScoop, calling the sentence a “great victory.” NeverQuest quickly became a favorite hacking tool for financial scammers after its debut in 2013. Thieves […]

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Pentagon’s next cyber policy guru predicts more collective responses in cyberspace

State-sponsored cyberattacks against just one victim nation at a time could soon provoke a global response, if a growing number of officials around the world have their way. As the Pentagon has experimented with new authorities allowing U.S. Cyber Command to be more offensive in cyberspace, key officials have suggested there is a groundswell of support for multi-nation countermeasures in the digital age. Thomas Wingfield, the incoming deputy assistant secretary of Defense for cyber policy, told CyberScoop that alliances could be a more successful way to deter hackers and strike back when they infiltrate sensitive networks. “I think that’s a more effective way to solve the problem, and I think that is the general [direction] of international law,” said Wingfield, who is still employed at National Defense University. “But I would also say we’re not there yet and states are in the process of moving international law in that direction.” For months now, the U.S. […]

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Consumer watchdog says Equifax settlement ‘flunks’ fairness test

As a court weighs the proposed class action settlement stemming from Equifax’s 2017 data breach, an independent legal watchdog is saying the agreement fails to treat victims equally. The nonprofit Center for Class Action Fairness, which advocates on behalf of consumers involved in class action suits, said in a court filing Tuesday the Equifax settlement — which proponents value at $700 million — “flunks” federal requirements for fairness and adequacy. This is the same agreement that Equifax said would include up to $425 million for customers who were affected by the data breach, which compromised information about 147 million Americans. After suggesting individual customers could be paid up t o $125 under certain conditions or accept free credit monitoring, Equifax introduced new requirements forcing Americans to prove they had credit monitoring in place at the time of the breach, otherwise they would be paid nothing. The terms of the deal could result in […]

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