How should I respond to an unrequested Facbook recovery code followed by an unexpected logout from the associated email account? [closed]

Cybersecurity layperson here.
I recently got an email from Facebook giving me an account recovery code that I didn’t request. I assume this means that someone else did request it, either because they have a similar Facebook login to me and… Continue reading How should I respond to an unrequested Facbook recovery code followed by an unexpected logout from the associated email account? [closed]

Cryptojacking soars as cyberattacks increase, diversify

Digital threat actors are adopting evolving tactical behaviors, opting for different types of malicious attacks compared to previous years, according to SonicWall. Overall intrusion attempts were up, led by the highest year on record for global cryptoj… Continue reading Cryptojacking soars as cyberattacks increase, diversify

Is human threat hunting a fool’s errand?

We all have witnessed automated advances creep into our modern threat hunting processes – and with good reason. As the rate of cyberattacks steadily increases, automated threat hunting processes are being integrated to help stem the tide by provi… Continue reading Is human threat hunting a fool’s errand?