Podcast: Insider Attacks May Soon Cost Less Than Malware-based Equivalent

At what point will infiltrating companies via the “insider threat model” become less costly and difficult than using malware? Threatpost discusses with a SolarWind expert. Continue reading Podcast: Insider Attacks May Soon Cost Less Than Malware-based Equivalent

5 things security executives need to know about insider threat

Insider threat is, unfortunately, an issue that has not yet received sufficient priority. According to the 2018 Deloitte-NASCIO Cybersecurity Study, CISOs’ top challenges remain “budget, talent and increasing cyber threats,” and to some, insider … Continue reading 5 things security executives need to know about insider threat

Internal user mistakes create large percentage of cybersecurity incidents

Internal user mistakes created the largest percentage of cybersecurity incidents over the past twelve months (80%), followed by exposures caused by poor network system or application security (36%), and external threat actors infiltrating the organizat… Continue reading Internal user mistakes create large percentage of cybersecurity incidents

Insider threats are security’s new reality: Prevention solutions aren’t working

Insider threats expose companies to breaches and put corporate data at risk. New research from Code42 questions whether the right data security solutions are being funded and deployed to stop insider threats and asserts that legacy data loss prevention… Continue reading Insider threats are security’s new reality: Prevention solutions aren’t working

Former Yahoo Employee Admits Hacking into 6000 Accounts for Sexual Content

An ex-Yahoo! employee has pleaded guilty to misusing his access at the company to hack into the accounts of nearly 6,000 Yahoo users in search of private and personal records, primarily sexually explicit images and videos.

According to an press note … Continue reading Former Yahoo Employee Admits Hacking into 6000 Accounts for Sexual Content

The Role of Security Analytics in a Zero Trust Environment

Trust but verify, the old Russian proverb advises us. And while this once could have…
The post The Role of Security Analytics in a Zero Trust Environment appeared first on Gurucul.
The post The Role of Security Analytics in a Zero Trust Environment a… Continue reading The Role of Security Analytics in a Zero Trust Environment

Cybercriminals count on human interaction in 99% of attacks, research shows

Cybercrooks exploit human flaws in about 99% of their attacks, using social engineering across email, cloud applications and social media to gain a foothold in a targeted infrastructure, new research shows. Almost all cyber-attacks begin with luring em… Continue reading Cybercriminals count on human interaction in 99% of attacks, research shows

Red Flag Alert: Service Accounts Performing Interactive Logins

In the world of account security, we often focus on end user accounts as the weak vector vulnerable to attackers. 
On the contrary, we at Preempt see something that happens just as frequently: failing to limit exposed and vulnerable service a… Continue reading Red Flag Alert: Service Accounts Performing Interactive Logins