Top 10 Cybersecurity Blog Posts of 2019

How serious was cybercrime in 2019? According to research firm Risk Based Security, 2019 was…
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An Unexpected Insider Threat: Senior Executives Who Ignore Cybersecurity Rules

Cybersecurity should be a top concern for any business, with strong policies and protocol put in place, and top executives leading by example. However, recent research has shown that more than half of senior managers disregard the rules, placing their … Continue reading An Unexpected Insider Threat: Senior Executives Who Ignore Cybersecurity Rules

Cyber Security Roundup for November 2019

In recent years political motivated cyber-attacks during elections has become an expected norm, so it was no real surprise when the Labour Party reported it was hit with two DDoS cyber-attacks in the run up to the UK general election, which was we… Continue reading Cyber Security Roundup for November 2019

Improve controls on classified information, inspector general tells U.S. intelligence community

The federal government should do more to protect its most sensitive information from potentially being deleted or leaked by insiders, according to a new report from the intelligence community inspector general (ICIG). The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) must “improve controls to efficiently and effectively manage and mitigate the risk that a trusted privileged user could inappropriately access, modify, destroy, or exfiltrate classified data,” the intelligence community inspector general, Michael Atkinson, writes in the report. The potential for trouble extends even to classified information that is restricted to a trusted few at the ODNI, the report says. The ICIG’s specific recommendations about how to address the issue, of course, are classified. The semiannual report, released Tuesday, details a number of ongoing intelligence community programs and audits meant to boost the cybersecurity of the ODNI and the intelligence community writ large, among them projects on overhauling the security clearance process and efforts […]

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Preventing insider threats, data loss and damage through zero trust

With the proliferation of mobile devices and BYOD, ubiquitous and always available internet connectivity and the widespread use of private, public and hybrid cloud solutions, eventually all organizations will be forced to come to terms with these reali… Continue reading Preventing insider threats, data loss and damage through zero trust

Combatting the Accidental Insider Data Leakage Threat

Cybercrime has rapidly become the world’s fastest growing form of criminal activity, and is showing no sign of slowing down with the number of attacks on businesses rising by more than 50% in the last year alone. While most corporates have made s… Continue reading Combatting the Accidental Insider Data Leakage Threat

The high risk of data loss associated with employees

The security threat from insiders is growing. Consider the most recent Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report (DBIR), which found that 20% of cybersecurity incidents and 15% of data breaches investigated within the Verizon DBIR originated from people… Continue reading The high risk of data loss associated with employees