Celebrating Spitzer: 16 years of incredible infrared space photography

NASA finally retired the Spitzer Space Telescope on January 30 this year, after 16 years of scanning the skies in infrared. In that time the observatory has been responsible for some of the most stunning space photos ever taken, so to celebrate its lif… Continue reading Celebrating Spitzer: 16 years of incredible infrared space photography

NASA pulls out incredibly high-res global map of asteroid Bennu

With OSIRIS-REx in close orbit around Bennu, we’ve already seen some pretty amazing up-close shots of the asteroid. And now, NASA has released a full global map of this rocky little world in unprecedented resolution.Continue ReadingCategory: Space, Sci… Continue reading NASA pulls out incredibly high-res global map of asteroid Bennu

Keeping Digital Assets Safe: Security for DAM

The need for an effective DAM solution is growing among companies, but security threats abound Visual content such as images and video account for much of the content viewed on the internet nowadays. The demand for visual content is growing, which dri… Continue reading Keeping Digital Assets Safe: Security for DAM